Sarah Daly a.k.a. Metaphorest – The Man With A Turnip For A Head: Narrated by Gary Oldman!


Sarah Daly a.k.a. Metaphorest

The Man With A Turnip For A Head 

Narrated by Gary Oldman!

MyIndie featured artist, much talented writer, producer and singer-songwriter, Sarah Daly, a.k.a. Metaphorest, some years ago wrote a short story titled The Man With A Turnip For A Head. Thanks to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Hit-Record, the story was made into a short animated film narrated by none other than legendary actor, Gary Oldman.

Check out the version that played at Sundance 2012HERE!

For music by Metaphorest, click HERE for her Facebook page.

For Metaphorest‘s debut album on Bandcamp, click HERE.