Experimental short / 01:58 / 2020
Written, Produced, FX and Directed by: Kade Tabin and Shane Ryan-Reid
Shot and Edited by: Shane Ryan-Reid
Starring: Kade Tabin
Shane Ryan: “Here’s my entry into the Roger Corman challenge (#cormanchallenge), finished just in time at 10.30pm PST (due at midnight)!
Rules are is that it must be under two minutes long, made at home, and shot on a cell phone. Since I never had planned to shoot anything on my phone I only have the cheapest 40 dollar phone, an LG Rebel 4.

So, figuring out how to light and make something look halfway decent with one of the world’s cheapest phones was quite the challenge indeed (especially since I don’t really know anything about lighting as my focus is on acting and directing, I just figure the tech stuff out as I go). I used leftover makeup and fake blood and a fog machine that I bought from Spirit and Walmart on Halloween. I used mostly house lights and flash lights and then a really old film light that I had for one shot, and my Home Depot work-light for a couple others. I worked as a one person crew while shooting, since Kade couldn’t help while acting in the scenes (of course) though did in between when possible, and ideally with so many effects some crew members would have been nice, so I definitely messed up a bunch of stuff while trying to operate up to four things at once (including the camera/phone), but hey, we finished! (music purchased at royalty free music).”