Short / 6:05 min / 2017
A short video based on the idea of the female sexual dark desires.
Written and directed by: Martyna Zdzislawa Madej
Starring: Jessica Hunt, Scarlet Rose Robertson, Adam Jones, Alfie Emery, Dan Lamia, David Yeeles, James Tunley-James, Richard Joe Davenport, Martyna Zdzislawa Madej
Cinematography by: Harriet Terrill, Sam Mason Bell, Samhain Carter-Brazier, Thomas J Davenport
Soundtrack by: Samhain Carter-Brazier
Editing by: Martyna Zdzislawa Madej, Sam Mason Bell
“In my work I am exploring the topic of female desire and sexual drive for something more, new, exciting. Very often females are excluded from the porn industry forgetting about their needs and fantasies, directing pornographic imagery for the male gaze, forgetting that women also want to be move by the erotic and pornographic art. DESIRE speaks out about the need of breaking through the face of innocent woman and stepping into the kinky world of S&M and bondage, need of sexual experimentation.”
– Martyna Madej

View Full Film Below:
DESIRE by Martyna Madej from Martyna Madej on Vimeo.