Don’t Let the Light In


Dont Let The Light In

Short, Horror / 2015

For Sarah, it was just a job that started off like any other babysitting gig. But Sarah wasn’t the normal babysitter, and Jack wasn’t quite the normal boy that he appeared to be. He has a secret, a secret that he keeps trying to share, if he could only find someone to listen to him about the monsters in his room. As the night goes on and things start to turn from cute and harmless to creepy and haunting, Sarah can’t help but wonder… What if he’s telling the truth? What if there are monsters in his room? Because sometimes there really are things out there that go bump in the night in here. Sometimes there really is something very scary under your bed. And sometimes, just sometimes, there really are monsters hiding in your room. But even monsters are afraid of something. So remember, DON’T let the light in, because if you do, then the darkness can get out.
Mad Ones Films

Written and directed by: Jaysen P. Buterin
Stars: Will Garrett Davis, Rebecca Larken, Chao Vang

Best Thriller; Best Horror; Best Director (Short Film); Best Suspense (Short Film); Best Old School Horror; Best Creepy Film; Best Horror Film (Short); Rising Star (Best Actor); Best Actress; Best Poster & Best Short Film Awards

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