FilmDaddy Self Isolation
Indie Film Hit List
Featuring AngerMan Distribution
with MANY MyIndie Artists! have released a Self Isolation Indie Film Hit List for everyone to enjoy during these strange times of isolation resulting from the CoronaVirus.
The list has added AngerMan Distribution‘s website with a link to their VOD, featuring many awesome films by MyIndie featured artists!
Check out the full list on FilmDaddy HERE!
Check out AngerMan‘s list of films HERE!
Jan Siery: “The world is crazy at the minute, totally bat shit crazy in fact. Whether or not you agree with your Government’s policies on how they are handling it, we all know that staying in and keeping safe is the safest way to keep healthy. However, even if you are like me and usually hate to venture outside and speak to people, or if you are a social butterfly that has had their wings clipped, you are going to need something to stop you re-enacting The Shining on your loved ones.
So we reached out on Twitter to compile a list of Indie Films to keep you occupied during the next few days/weeks/months/years (delete as applicable). We will continue to add to the list so hopefully we can alleviate some of your boredom, while helping Indie Directors get their films seen.”
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