George Cameron Romero‘s Rise
To be published as Graphic Novel by
Heavy Metal!
MyIndie featured artist, talented indie filmmaker George Cameron Romero, recently made a huge announcement regarding the future of his Rise project!
Rise has been in development for nearly a decade and while several times coming close to going into production, the setting was never quite right for Romero who did not to make a zombie film just for the sake of making one. Now it is all about to change.
Romero recently met Heavy Metal CEO Matt Medney and the two decided to collaborate and join forces on Romero Pictures’ Indie Brigade‘s online convention, DefCon 1. While discussing several project ideas, the idea to make Rise into a graphic novel arose and the two decided that Heavy Metal publishing the Rise graphic novel would be a natural, even perfect, union.
The Rise will now become a featured Heavy Metal graphic novel, serialized across several issues of the magazine before being collected into a single volume.
According to Heavy Metal, a creative team is currently being put into place to bring Romero’s vision to the page.

See full article on Heavy Metal website HERE!
Congratulations to George, Matt and both the Romero Pictures and Heavy Metal teams! Very exciting indeed!