Girl And A Scar: Written Review


Girl And A Scar

Written Review

Hi everyone, and welcome to MyIndie Review Vlog, The show that gives you spoiler-free reviews of indie films. My Name is Asaf Angel from MyIndie Productions, and today’s review is of 2017’s horror short A Girl and A Scar, written and directed by MyIndie featured artist, UK indie filmmaker, David Cave.

This will be the second time we review one of David’s films, after having reviewed horror short Dystopia St. earlier in the season, in Episode 6.

Thank you, David, for sharing yet another film with us.

A young woman, sporting a Goth look, portrayed by Ileana Cardy, is suffering from a relentless ordeal. We first see her in a dilapidated bedroom, scarring her body with a filthy razor. As the story progresses we learn of what brought her to be like this. We see her briefly during better times. She’s sporting a more cheerful appearance and kisses her boyfriend in a field. There she encounters a mysterious figure in a bear costume, which inevitably makes her go to bad places in her mind.

Her habit of self-harming leads her to suffer from a nasty infection which appears to give her horrifying hallucinations. Cave also shows us what burdens the girl, using animated sequences of her eating things she shouldn’t, beautifully mixing animation and live action. As the girl’s infection worsens, we see how she deals with it and where it eventually leads her. 

As I’ve already learned when doing the Dystopia St. review, one should not look for a neat sensible narrative in David’s work. The visuals tell a story, one must put great effort into deciphering the meaning behind said visuals, and even then needs to be OK with the possibility that not everything about the film can be explained by anyone other than its creator.

Having said that, I don’t even think that is the point. While the film may boggle the mind with cryptic visuals, it is the feeling that we, the viewers, are left with which lingers on. David throws us into a surreal environment and he is using the unease that we’re experiencing to tell us about this girl and what she is going through.

As for my personal take on it, not to say that this is what David necessarily intended, but just my thoughts: The film might be about dealing with destructive inner demons. We all have them on one level or another. I think the entire story takes place inside the fragile, cracked psyche of this girl. That’s how all the cryptic imagery is understandably present.

She goes through a journey within herself and it feels her mind is methodically poisoned by thoughts she can’t break away from, which are represented by things she does to herself and horrible things we see her consume.

As the film reaches its climax, one may say that she is trapped in her own mind and that her freedom depends on her breaking free from the dark thoughts that hold her.

In my opinion, all that matters little to director David Cave, as he seems intent on passing a feeling through the visuals he creates and as long as we feel something through this journey and long after it is complete, his mission has been accomplished. Judging by the success this film is having on the festival circuit thus far, Cave has done his job in remarkable fashion.

To sum up, with a style somewhat reminiscent of David Cronenberg’s Naked Lunch, Girl And A Scar is yet another proof of the unique storytelling abilities David Cave possesses. Production value is excellent, cinematography and lighting are exemplary, Ileana Cardy’s performance was captivating. And as usual, after having viewed it, you might have a hard time getting it out of your head.

Girl And A Scar Gets an 8.5/10 on the Look At Me, I’m A Film Critic scale!
The film is still in its festival run and is only available in festival screenings, so keep an eye on the film’s Facebook page for future chances to see it in your area of the world.

Until next time, keep supporting Indie film. My name is Asaf Angel. I thank you for tuning in to MyIndie Review Vlog! See you next week!

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