Helena’s Gate: Written Review


Helenas Gate

Written Review

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Welcome back, everyone, to MyIndie Review Vlog! I am Asaf Angel from MyIndie Productions, and on today’s BACK FROM A BREAK episode, I’ll be tackling the 2016 horror-thriller mini-series, Helena’s Gate, written, produced and directed by MyIndie featured artist, UK indie filmmaker and man of many talents, DW Hoppson!

This will be the second project from Hoppson we review on the show, after having reviewed his 2019 post-apocalyptic short thriller To Live From The Land, earlier in the season.

Thank you, DW, for sharing yet another project with us!

As mentioned in previous episodes, MyIndie Review Vlog is sponsored by Angerman Distribution, a distribution company devoted to helping independent filmmakers from all around the world get their work out to the viewing public. So thank you, AngerMan, for everything. Seriously.

Helena, a young, beautiful teenage girl, portrayed by Ella Blackburn, arrives at a new neighborhood with her mother, Erin, played by Susie WeedsQuestions arise from the beginning regarding the family history, leading to their relocation to a new place.

After touring the new neighborhood for a bit, Helena becomes acquainted with Cassy, a sweet, fun-loving teenager, played by Bethany Salt. Cassy connects with Helena and takes her on a booze-filled night of delights in a nearby secluded forest, where young guys and gals gather to have rebellious-type fun and enjoy each other’s company.

After what could be considered as intoxication, without entering spoiler-territory, Helena blacks-out, to later awake in a weird, alternate version of the forest. There, among other peculiar types, she meets the Thin Man; a hermit played by Sean Rooney, who leads her to embark on a mysterious quest.

Helena also meets Daniel, a hiker played by Hugo Wess, and a friendship is formed between the two, as he helps her in her quest.

The journey in this new detached-from-reality world inadvertently leads Helena to unveil troubling details about her life as the plot progresses.

Along her quest, Helena also meets a couple of aiding characters, both played by the same actor; MyIndie featured artist, talented UK indie filmmaker and actor Velton Lishke!

Hoppson created a meticulously stylized grim world and in it he built characters, most of which were given very interesting arcs.

The mystery element is cleverly laid out throughout the show’s five episodes, 40-some minutes each in length, as well as the finale feature-length sixth episode.

The show feels to be inspired by stories the likes of Alice in Wonderland and The Wizard of Oz, only with a dark, morbid tone.

Hoppson displays a plethora of artistic and technical skills which admirably fit the tough standard of his complex vision. Hopsson helmed the cinematography, lighting, editing, colour grading, sound design and is even responsible for scoring the entire series.

The look, feel and rhythm of each episode is extremely professional, for any project, let alone an indie feat, reportedly made for a mere £1500!

DW toys with colour grading to display the different realities within the narrative. There is an overall desaturated theme, which works well in service of the story. He also carefully applies breathtaking shots with shallow depth-of-field, which also upgrade the visual spectacle.

The only issues I had, have to do with some technical lighting and sound problems at times, though while they are worth mentioning; considering what efforts must have gone into the entire project, they are very much forgivable and don’t affect the overall experience much.

Helena’s Gate is an amazing gem of an achievement that feels complete from all aspects of storytelling and filmmaking (script, casting, execution, post-production work, promotional artwork, etc.). It could easily be perceived as a source of inspiration and schooling to all who wish to make films, yet hold their work to a higher standard. Truly professional.

Helena’s Gate scores 8.5/10 on the Look at Me, I’m a Film Critic scale!
Thank you again to Angerman Distribution for sponsoring our show.

If you’d like to catch-up on our past reviews you can find them all on our website, as well as our reviews AND promos on our MyIndie Review Vlog Vimeo channel. Link included.

Until next time, keep supporting indie film. Watch, share, spread the word, my name is Asaf Angel, I thank you for tuning in to MyIndie Review Vlog. I’ll see you next Thursday!

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