Home Videos
Horror Anthology / 2017
Home Videos takes found footage to a new level in this heart-pounding horror!
We live in a world where technology is king, and where everyone is being filmed without even knowing it. Every time you go out your door you are being recorded, but now even in the safety of your own home you are still not safe! Home Videos will make you want to un-see what you have just watched and will have you on the edge of your seat… This Horror starts at home!
Directed by: Sam Mason Bell, Tony Newton, Luc Bernier, Maude Michaud, George James Fraser, Stephen Longhurst, Mike Reed, Robbie Hampstead, Daiane Azura, Jason Figgis, Jason Impey Kieran Johnston, Adam Jones, Dustin Ferguson, Gavin Gavlar Damerell, Mike Oakley, Gary Whitson, Rachel Stephens, Crystal Ariana, Noel Rainford
Written by: Sam Mason-Bell, Tony Newton
Produced by: Sam Mason Bell, Tony Newton
Starring: Dean Allen, Daiane Azura, Luc Bernier, Jessica Hunt