Hounds of Love (2016)


Hounds of Love (2016)

Film Review

By the Geezer of Oz

“Vicki Maloney is randomly abducted from a suburban street by a disturbed couple. As she observes the dynamic between her captors she quickly realizes she must drive a wedge between them if she is to survive.” (IMDb)

This Australian indie is a tough one to try to quantify. It is more thriller than horror and is shot more like a crime-drama. It doesn’t seem to bring anything new to the table in terms of story, but something about it still feels somehow refreshing.

It is set in Perth, Australia, in the late 1980’s and dircetor Ben Young (Extinction), in his first feature, sets the scene really well, while capturing the style of the era effectively.

Emma Booth (Blood Creek, Swerve, TV’s Underbelly, Extinction) is captivating as always, alongside Stephen Curry (The Castle, Cut, Rogue) in an unusual role, portraying the disturbing couple Evelyn and John White. Ashleigh Cummings (Galore, Pork Pie) is the innocent victim, fighting to survive and Susie Porter (Better Than Sex, The Monkey’s Mask, Mullet, TV’s Underbelly, Cargo) and Damian de Montemas (Somersault, The Protector, TV’s Underbelly, Blame, TV’s Wolf Creek) are also excellent in supporting roles.

It worked for me, though it may not for many of you. Only one way to find out… 6.5/10