I’m Dreaming Of A White Doomsday : Written Review


Im Dreaming Of A White Doomsday

Written Review

Hi everyone and welcome to MyIndie Review Vlog, the show that gives you spoiler-free reviews of indie films. My name is Asaf Angel from MyIndie Productions. 

This week, I’ll be reviewing 2017’s I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday by American indie filmmaker Mike Lombardo. Thank you, Mike, for sharing your film with us.

The story follows Kelly, a young woman portrayed by Hope Bikle and Riley, her 8-year-old son, played by Reeve Blazi. Mother and son secured in a bomb shelter after an apparent apocalypse took place.

Kelly was sworn by her husband Simon, Damian Maffei, to stay in the bomb shelter and keep the door shut, no matter what, until he gets back from going on a supply run, as they are dangerously low on food. Simon has no choice but to leave his frightened wife and child and go off to the unknown.

As the days pass, the supplies become scarce. Kelly begins to lose faith that Simon would be back in time, or at all. She realizes that she must take action in order to ensure her and her son’s survival. Kelly decides to go outside herself and try to find food.

The film’s atmosphere is one of hopelessness. Lombardo focuses on a mother’s morbid distress when put in an inconceivable situation, while in the background Christmas is coming. The dissonance between the harsh world Lombardo built and the festive happiness Christmas represents is an original approach which I’m not sure I’ve witnessed before: An Apocalyptic Christmas Movie. The depiction of Kelly’s struggle to hold on to faith is more interesting due to the Christmas motif. Kelly must keep a cheerful facade in front of her little boy, but at the same time, she is well aware of the gravity of their situation. That keeps her tormented with unbearable thoughts of an inevitable outcome without the ability of sharing her pain with anyone.

Above all, I respect Lombardo‘s vision and style. It feels this film does a lot more than just entertain. It throws us into a horrifying reality and thoroughly depicts a challenging scenario. What do you do? You’re responsible for your loved one. You know how this is most likely to end and much like being confined to a bomb shelter, you’re trapped in your own mind, compelled not to voice your distress.

I have expressed this before – a film that stays with you long after you’re done watching it, did its job and more often than not, makes for a very good film.

I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday has decent production value for an independent film. The special effects are excellent, and the set design is admirably professional. I’m sure Lombardo and his crew did not have lot to work with, but made it look very credible.

To sum up, if you like stories that elegantly crawl under your skin and resonate in your thoughts, I highly recommend you watch this one.

I’m Dreaming of a White Doomsday gets a 8/10 on the Look At Me, I’m a Film Critic scale!

The film is available for via Scream Team Releasing and on Amazon. Links above.

Until next time, keep supporting Indie Film. My name is Asaf Angel and thank you for tuning in to MyIndie Review Vlog.

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