Itai Guberman and Asaf Angel‘s
Third Temple
Shoham Film Festival 2021 Official Selection!
MyIndie Productions‘ critically-acclaimed short political thriller Third Temple, co-directed, co-produced and co-written by Itai Guberman and Asaf Angel, is an Official Selection at Shoham Film Festival 2021!
The event begins on Monday, February 28th and goes for one week. While the festival is usually a physical event with venue screenings, this year due to Covid-19 restrictions, selected films will be available to view online. Stay tuned for further details!
The film is also currently available for streaming via Angerman Distribution, see link BELOW.
Congratulations to all involved!

Thank you to the election committee and festival director Amir Ragporker for the selection and kind attention. We are looking forward to the film taking part in this great event!