Karmic Beacon: The Law of Attraction


Karmic Beacon:

The Law of Attraction

Video Short, Poetry / 2021

An inspirational poem by David Black, brought to life by the music of Tony Solomon and the cinematography of Gerardo Chierchia.

Written/Narrated by: David Black
Cinematography/Editing: Gerardo Chierchia
Music/Sound Engineering by: Tony Solomon
Starring: Anastasia C. Kouloukas, David Black, Simay Argento, Vixey Teh, Glen Cook

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(Written by David Black)

When it all feels too much
And the days have turned to darkness
Look to the light within you
You will find it. It is within us all.
Even if it is only a dim flicker.

With our thoughts, we create the universe.
Think of the world you want.
Marvel at its’ beauty and warmth.
You can make that flame grow until it shines as a beacon for all.
Save the world and you will save yourself.

Darkness comes and goes, but the light is eternal.
It is hope. It is inspiration. It is determination. It is love.

Sometimes we are hurting, but pain always precedes pleasure.
We are born in blood.
Crying and screaming…
but are then comforted in our mothers arms.

The universe is our mother and we are all her children.
Treat your brothers and sisters with kindness,
for that which we put out into this world always comes back.
Do unto others as you would have done unto you, and you will always be on the right path.

Go in peace my friend. Go with love and one day our paths will cross again.