Mars Roberge: Make Your Feature Video Diaries: STARS: Ep.2


Mars Roberge:

Make Your Feature Video Diaries:


MyIndie featured artist, indie filmmaker Mars Roberge, late last year was one of three winners of the We Make Movies 2021 MAKE YOUR FEATURE COMPETITION!

Check out Roberge‘s second video diary entry in a series documenting the pre-production process for winning submission, Stars, building up to the March 2022 shoot!

We also meet producer Kenneth Shaw and two cast members, Meredith Binder (playing Martha Stewart) and Debra Haden (playing Bianca Jagger). Mars also briefly discusses his previous film, Mister Sister (links to stream, on Project Page)!

Stars is about a group of homeless women who learn that a tiny glimmer of hope is worth more than all the money in the world.

More to come on this exciting production. Stay tuned!