MyIndie Productions: Revelation Private Fundraise – MyIndie Store Promotion!


MyIndie Productions:

Revelation Private Fundraise

MyIndie Store Promotion!

MyIndie Productions have announced that, as part of a private fundraise for upcoming feature film, Revelation, written and directed by Itai Guberman (click at buttom for project page), any purchases made from the newly launched MyIndie Store, will receive the following perks:

1. A Thank-You Credit at the end of the Revelation feature film
A Thank-You IMDb Credit
Social Media Shoutout

This applies for any purchase order made from the store between now and December 31st, 2020. If you make multiple orders and want to receive these perks for additional orders, you would need to contact us to nominate a different name to be added to the Thank-You and Shoutout lists.

Get your Christmas shopping done and Support Independent Artists in the process! 🙂

Additionally, if you are interested in producer credits on the Revelation feature film, please contact us at