MyIndie Productions‘
Revelation Production Postponed!
Amidst logistical complications following worldwide restrictions stemming from the CoronaVirus pandemic spread, MyIndie Productions and AngerMan Distribution have decided to postpone the production of upcoming Post-Apocalyptic Horror feature film Revelation!
The in-production project (half the film has already been shot) was scheduled to pick up production and be completed later in 2020, but will now be pushed to 2021.

A social media statement was released by MyIndie Founder/CEO and the writer/director of the project, Itai Guberman: “Due to the current state of worldwide affairs as the result of the CoronaVirus pandemic, we are regrettably left with no option but to postpone production yet again, most likely to some time in 2021.
With the inability to fly to the location overseas and potential issues for investors with the current world state, this seems to be the right decision.
Not to worry, though, we are definitely not giving up on this film (half of which has already been shot) and will pick things back up as soon as it becomes possible.
Stay tuned for future updates on this awesome project that just HAS TO happen! We will prevail!
Thank you all for your support and friendship. Be there for each other in these testing times. We will all come out stronger.”
The feature film project was divided into four segments, shot separately. Two have already been completed, one of which is the multi-Award winning short, Ivy, which was released as a proof-of-concept of sorts. The two segments remaining will now likely be shot in 2021, with the project going into post-production in the hope of being fully completed and released by the end of that year.

Stay tuned for more news and updates! In the meantime, check out the Stills Gallery (click pics to enlarge) and Ivy Trailer to whet your appetite… Revelation is coming!