Ryan Michael Coby

Horror Writer/Blogger

Ryan has been a horror fan since the age of five when he watched The Texas Chainsaw Massacre for the first time, igniting a love for collecting, attending conventions and writing. As he got older, with a BA in English and an MAED in Curriculum under his belt, he began working in schools as an instructor and instructional coach; however, he never lost his passion for the genre.

Now, when he’s not tackling his day job, Ryan runs Neon Bloodbath, a growing, evolving outlet for his writing passions, and continues to support creative minds within the horror world. He is currently planning to expand the social media page and blog into other outlets, further building a team of like minded individuals to join his mission, as well as pushing back into screenwriting, an adolescent obsession now reborn.

Ryan lives a modest, happy life with his ridiculously supportive wife Lana, his “mini me” Viktor and seven assorted furballs to keep things proper chaotic.

Known For


Neon Bloodbath MyIndie Artists interviews and Projects Reviews

Neon Bloodbath External Work


Social Media and External Content

Neon Bloodbath

Author Archives for UK Horror Scene
Survival Horror Online