Se7en Questions with Chase Dudley


Se7en Questions with Filmmaker and Actor

Chase Dudley

Who are some of the artists or works that inspired you to get started in your field? Of today’s current artists, who do you draw inspiration from?
Quentin Tarantino, Steven Spielberg, Alfred Hitchcock, and James Wan.

What have thus far been some of the negatives of being an indie artist in your field?
There are so many stories I would love to tell on a budget that would cost millions. It is so much harder to get your content out there without that budget you need and to get everyone on the same page of marketing the film.

What have thus far been the positives of being an indie artist in your field?
I’m free to tackle any subject that Hollywood or the corporate world would normally be afraid to take the risk on.

What have been your favorite completed projects to work on up to this point? Can you tell us a little bit about them?
Payday and Beasts of the Field. I was able to create these two projects with a decent budget and tell the story the way I really wanted to tell it.

What projects are you currently working on or have planned for the near future?
I currently have two scripts titled Wingman Lost and Ghost Of The South, which are great stories. I cannot wait to get them out there. They will take a very nice size budget to be able to tell the story the way I want to tell it.

Where do you see yourself in a few years and what would it take for you to consider your career a success?
In 3-5 years, I hope to be making films as a full-time job. I consider success to be making films yearly on a salary that can cover all my bills and to be able to live comfortably for my family and I.

If you couldn’t do this anymore, what career path do you think you would have followed and why?
That’s a hard question because I never considered that or left that as an option. There is nothing else I would like to do.