Se7en Questions with Domiziano Cristopharo


Se7en Questions with Filmmaker

Domiziano Cristopharo

Who are some of the artists or some of the works that inspired you to get started in this field? Of today’s current artists, who do you draw inspiration from?

Definitively Mario Bava, Jodorowski, Lucio Fulci, Roman Polanksi, Cronemberg, Ken Russell and Fellini.

What have thus far been some of the negatives of being an indie artist in your field?

Some people will say ‘no money’ but this for me, was never a problem, but a way for find more creative solutions to my problems. Ideas are Free for all. I must say, we find not much cooperation between indie artists and too much envy is around us.

What have thus far been the positives of being an indie artist in your field?

That I’m totally free and independent to realize what I want without worries. I started 
in the mainstream industry, then I quit after a few years. I don’t like when a creative job becomes only a ‘job’ with too many rules to follow.

What have been your favourite completed projects to work on up to this point? Can you tell us a little bit about them?

My English is not good enough to explain my feelings about my favourite projects. So, I’ll 
just invite you to find them and watch them. I’m sure you can find all the answers within! Doll Syndrom, Red Krokodil and my first feature House of Flesh Mannequins.

What projects are you currently working on or have planned for the near future?

Actually I’m completing the production of my Trilogy of Death 
and I will release those titles during the next few years, slowly… 

Where do you see yourself in a few years and what would it take for you to consider your career a success?

Actually, I see myself in Africa or Asia doing social activity. That was one of my dreams for years and I’m getting pretty tired of this modern society. I see myself where people still appreciate small things to be happy, and where living attached to a smartphone is something from afar.

If you couldn’t do this anymore, what career path do you think you would have followed
and why?

I started as Actor and Musician and that is something I would like to do again, I think after 15 
years fully deep in the cinematic fields, a break or a change can only be a good thing!