Se7en Questions with Zev Howley


Se7en Questions with Filmmaker

Zev Howley

Who are some of the artists or some of the works that inspired you to get started in your field? Of today’s current artists, who do you draw inspiration from?

Some directors that have inspired me over the years are Darren Aronofski, Spike Lee, Steven Spielberg, Clint Eastwood, Peter Weir, The Coen Brothers and Alex Proyas.

I draw my inspiration these days from Eastwood and Aronofski as their films have made a real impact on me. I really like films that have a strong social justice aspect to them and have a powerful message within them.

What have thus far been some of the negatives of being an indie artist in your field?

I find the lack of financial support either by philanthropic avenues or the Government for projects that sit a little bit outside the box and are not regarded as mainstream enough. Overall, I feel there is just not a lot of support especially for filmmakers who are very consistent and passionate about their work.

What have thus far been the positives of being an indie artist in your field?

I guess successfully facing the challenge of getting your own projects off the ground and getting some recognition along the way from independent film festivals.

What have been your favorite completed projects to work on up to this point? Can you tell us a little bit about them?

Out of all my projects I have done I would have to say my documentary – The Enlightened State of Tara and Walkman are my favourites.

Tara because it took ten years to complete and I was very happy it was completed and Walkman as this was the most ambitious short film I’d ever done and it was well received once it was completed.

What projects are you currently working on or have planned for the near future?

I am writing a feature film titled Lovesand and I’m hoping to finish the first draft within the next twelve months.

Where do you see yourself in a few years and what would it take for you to consider your career a success?

In a few years I hope I would have completed my first feature and a success would be if I would have a proper budget one day to create something really special.

If you couldn’t do this anymore, what career path do you think you would have followed and why?

If I could not do this anymore I probably would consider working in the community healthcare sector, as I enjoy helping and improving people’s lives.