The Bye Bye Man (2017)


The Bye Bye Man (2017)

Film Review

By the Geezer of Oz

“Three friends stumble upon the horrific origins of a mysterious figure they discover is the root cause of the evil behind unspeakable acts.” (IMDb)

I did not have high expectations of this one… and I got exactly that, a below average, unoriginal, unsatisfying horror flick. It’s a shame really, as its storyline had some potential and the production value is decent.

Director Stacy Title, who in 1995 made the excellent The Last Supper, makes somewhat of a return to feature films with this one. In my opinion, from a filmmaking standpoint, if she had any choice here, she made a wrong one. Then again, the film was somewhat successful at the box office according to Box Office Mojo, bringing in almost US$26.7 Million on a US$7.4 Million budget. 

Also, with appearances by Carrie-Anne Moss (Memento, The Matrix films, Disturbia, Silent Hill: Revelation, Frankenstein 2015) Faye Dunaway (Bonnie and Clyde, Chinatown, Three Days of the Condor, Network, Eyes of Laura Mars, Albino Alligator, Inconceivable), Doug Jones (Hellboy 1&2, Pan’s Labyrinth, Legion, The Shape of Water, TV’s Falling Skies, The Strain and Star Trek: Discovery) and Leigh Whannell (Saw, Dying Breed, the Insidious films, Crush, Keep Watching), it could (and should) have been better…

A pedestrian, uninspired effort. 5/10.