The Pyramid (2014)


The Pyramid (2014)

Film Review

By the Geezer of Oz

“An archaeological team attempts to unlock the secrets of a lost pyramid only to find themselves hunted by an insidious creature.” (IMDb)

This one started off well, was kind of interesting, even somewhat well done, but then just fizzled out with a predictable story and below par special effects.

Director Gregory Levasseur put forth a nice effort, but unfortunately doesn’t get there in the end in his sole directorial attmept to date, though he does have writing credits for a few well-known horror films like High Tension (Haute Tension), The Hilld Have Eyes (2006), P2, Mirrors and Maniacs.

Ashley Henshaw (Chronicle, Rites of Passage, +1, TV’s True Blood and True Detective), Denis O’Hare (The Town That Dreaded Sundown 2014, Lizzie, TV’s True Blood and American Horror Story) and James Buckley (The Inbetweeners, Charlie Countryman) are in the main roles.

The film is somewhat entertaining, but unfortunately, not all the way there.

Close but no cigar. 5/10.