Gregory Blair on Amber Lynn’s Rock ‘N’ SeXXXy Uncensored!


Gregory Blair

on Amber Lynns Rock N SeXXXy Uncensored!

MyIndie featured artist, talented U.S. filmmaker and actor Gregory Blair was a guest on Amber Lynn‘s Rock ‘N’ SeXXXy Uncensored show on LA Talk Radio, with co-host Vida Ghaffari!

Gregory talks about filmmaking and writing, about films he wrote, directed and starred in, such as Garden Party Massacre and Deadly Revisions, the film Heretiks, which he wrote the story for, as well as upcoming films he stars in, including Trick and Treats, Adam Steigert‘s The Horrific Evil Monsters, RoboWoman and more!

Congratulations, Gregory! Great work!

Check out Deadly Revisions‘ and Garden Party Massacre‘s double video-review episode on MyIndie Review Vlog!
