The Bruised Spring’s Teens: The Movie? Announced, already in Post Production!


The Bruised Springs Teens:

The Movie?

Announced, already in Post Production!

MyIndie Founder and CEO, Itai Guberman, has already teased in several interviews of the upcoming film version of wacky comedy/parody webseries, The Bruised Spring’s Teens, being in development!

Now it is official and word is that the film is already in post-production and being prepped for a 2021 release!

Guberman: “It’s been a long time coming and we’ve discussed it for quite some time. The idea received a sense of urgency since Tomer Shechori‘s passing in 2018. With Tomer being one of the two stars of the show, along with Zach Cohen, and a dear friend, we felt odd about pushing for a second season but wanted to help immortalize Tomer‘s name somehow and keep him in everyone’s hearts and minds.

So, we gathered all the material we had from the series, plus everything that ended up on the cutting room floor for one reason or another, as well as edited some new material into it and ended up with a feature-film version of The BST. We are very happy with the final result and hope that it would help get Tomer‘s name out there even more.”

The Bruised Spring’s Teens Series is still available via AngerMan Distribution VOD, but will likely be removed soon, once the film’s release date is set.

Gregory Blair:
“Not taking itself seriously at all is part of the charm… at once a love letter to famous films, a fun-poking parody of those same films and a meta, navel-gazing spoof of the world of webisodes and those who make them.” [Full review HERE]